I still remember so vividly the first time that I felt the feminine frequency of money, it was a feeling like no other!
Before this, every single time I would spend money, even if it was buying food and necessities for me family this huge wave of guilt would wash over me. What the heck?! This is for things that we need! Can you relate to that?
I was driving home from Phoenix and I had bought some things at Target for our home and the baby in my belly, I had bought some delicious & healthy food at Whole Foods, and got myself a nice lunch. I was going back over in my mind how much money I had spent, and instead of the guilt I felt this loving and supportive energy fill me up. I don’t think I had ever felt this before!
This energy felt so loving and motherly, abundant, and out of this world generous! It wanted me to have everything that I needed, to feel safe, loved, supported, nourished. This is the feminine frequency of money! And this is our birthright.
For me, I’ve spent so much time in my head overthinking money and feeling not worthy of my desires and not having enough. I think that a lot of us can relate, so I want to share some of the steps that helped me to heal my money story and start bringing in more money.
Several months before this happened I took this course, which I’m affiliate for and love sharing. This course really changed my life and I share more about it here.
I wanted to share how I tapped into this abundant feminine frequency of money. I like to think of it as co-creating with the universe, rather than we’re trying to just make this work by ourselves. When we’re clear on what we want and why, everything in Heaven and Earth begins to conspire with us to make it happen! Its such a beautiful process.
The first step is getting clear on what we want and why.
The second step is opening to your receiving energy. I like to lay down and place a hand on my heart and a hand on my belly/womb space and feel myself begin to soften and tap into this receiving energy. This allows you to soften to allow the universe to work its magic.
Next, is to FEEL into the endless possibilities and that money can come in in so many different ways. The universe wants to work with you!
Then, surrender! Easier said than done right?! I don’t mean like giving up either. Surrender to being guided and taken care of, surrender to your muse and any inspired action that comes through. This is where the magic gets to happen!
Feel all of the feelings of having that money drop in and how it vibrates within your being. This was a new concept for me to grasp, but once I allowed it in, everything changed!
If you’re curious about exploring more about healing your money story and manifesting more money then check out me mentor, Amanda Frances’ free video training here. She’s always so generous with her trainings and they will change your life.
Are you ready to tap into the feminine frequency of money?
I’d love to hear your experiences with money! Have you done any inner work on healing limiting beliefs around money? Do you feel supported by money? Comment below, I’d love to hear!